Our development process is based on the industry standards of reference which allow us to provide the highest quality of work.

Our strength lies in our partnership with academic institutions whose principle elements are as follows:

  • Proof-of-principle of potential clinical applications by state-of-the-art system biology approaches including in vitro pharmacology and in vivo disease models
  • Early projection of drug safety profile by utilization of applied innovative human toxicology models and assays including molecular imaging
  • Identification of predictive biomarkers of responder patient population coupled to the use of pharmacology modeling and simulation technology
  • Controlled access to patient biological samples closely associated to the drug discovery and development processes
  • Adapted regulatory and early clinical development strategies in conjunction with hospital and academic investigators network and health authorities

This translational and personalized approach, which includes all the key phases of research and drug development in a dynamic and flexible organization focused on the patient,  allows us to optimize each new transition phase, thereby reducing the length of the process and increasing the chances of the molecule successfully reaching the market.